Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is This The Final Chapter for Mr. Castro?

As I was doing my late night reading on-line, I came across this report revealing the grave condition of Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. The Boston Globe has something to say on this matter:

Cuban leader Fidel Castro is in serious condition after three failed operations on his large intestine for diverticulitis complicated by infection, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported.

Castro, 80, suffered a serious infection that worsened to peritonitis, the newspaper said in today's editions. It cited two medical sources at the Madrid hospital where a surgeon who visited Castro in December works.

Castro's prognosis is "very serious" and he is being fed intravenously, the paper said.

Diverticulitis is the inflammation of pouch-like bulges in the intestinal wall. Peritonitis is an infection of the lining of the abdominal cavity.

A first operation to extract part of Castro's large intestine and reconnect the colon was a failure and the link broke, releasing feces into the abdomen that caused another peritonitis, the newspaper reported.

A second operation to clean and drain the infected area and perform a colostomy also failed, the paper said. Castro underwent a third operation to implant a Korean-made prosthesis, but it did not work and was replaced by one brought from Spain.

I guess you have to treat this as a "watch" or "wait" type of story. There have been many changes in the health of Mr. Castro lately that if one report has him knocking on death's door, there is another that has him completely fine with pictures. A lot can be said about the Cuban leader. However, you can say that he is probably the the most resilient person who has survived many obstacles during his long career (exploding cigars notwithstanding).

Whatever one might say is that time is slowly letting the curtain lower on one particular part of history. This is definitely a new era that is coming about. The leaders of the past are slowly going away from us. And, now, history has yet to unleash newer and a different brand of leadership that will propel the story of the earth and its peoples to another level.

It makes you wonder what kind of people will take the helm of our nations in the future. Will we get more into the realm of "Big Brother"? Or will someone step up with a lot of intelligence and courage that will help the world instead of hurt it?

Who knows? But, we are in for exciting and very noteworthy days which chaotically reveal the pathways to the future.

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