Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kudos for Keith Olbermann

Strangely enough, Sen. John Kerry was going to be focal point of today's entry. He's coming later in an entry because there is plenty to say about him. Believe me, there is. However, Keith Olbermann's commentary on his show stopped the viewers in their tracks. He focused upon the nature of manipulation, especially when it has been used by the present administration. His words, delivered in traditional passion and fire, criticized how Mr. Bush and his colleagues accuse those who oppose his doctrine of "letting the terrorists win" because of their rhetoric.

That is pure hogwash, and Mr. Olbermann called it out. It was a shame that Rush Limbaugh criticized actor Michael J. Fox harshly. And then, his words were left to his cronies to clean it up. Mr. Olberman was not having it. He said, and rightfully so, that for the past five years, the public was manipulated into an aura of fear due to their constant threats of "lessening national safety" and the fact that "9/11 might happen again". He even went as far to say that it was because of the rhetoric posed by the present administration that we are in a constant aura of fear.

What is especially relevant about Mr. Olbermann's commentary is the fact that he pointed out that no one has been caught for the anthrax terrorist attacks happening in 2001. These acts were allegedly responsible for killing several postal workers. The letters even made it to former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw and past Rep. Tom Daschle. However, no one has been found responsible for these sendings through the U.S. mail. And, like Mr. bin Laden continues to slip under the radar of the U.S. government, so does the "anthrax killer". No efforts have been made to catch him. However, the "anthrax killer" was responsible for adding to the culture of terror and fear in order to make the American public putty in the Bush Administration's hands.

With that being said, Mr. Olbermann centered on these notions to hit the point home the irony that was coming from the speeches regarding Mr. Kerry's remarks yesterday. It is agreed, and rightfully so, that Mr. Kerry's critics have no right to call his words "manipulating" when they have engaged in the same practices most undoubtedly throughout the bleak days after 9/11. It is appalling with bitter irony that the blame is spread to others when the key people using "fear as a tactic to subdue the masses" comes with unrelenting precedence in every newscast, speech and press conference.

It was about time someone called out this behavior. Thank Mr. Olbermann for his insightful and pointed speech about those who skirt their own behavior while taunting others for theirs. A-men.

Someone should be held accountable for creating this "culture of fear and denial".


just generic said...

Isn't it ironic Cici that I finally address my fears and phobias just in time to wake up to the "fear mongering" in full swing...I can identify with people's needs and wants to stick their heads in the proverbial sand and play deaf, dumb and blind...but really...once a person "sees" what is happening there's no going back.

Welcome the hell back to your amazing soapbox usual a clear, concise and thoroughly enjoyable read :)

JG :)

Maria M. Lopez said...

In this age of politic extremism, it is easier for some people to turn a blind eye to the naked truth. Especially, if the truth reveals flaws in your party's dogma. In this case, blatent, unfettered fear-mongering.

Besides, why face the truth when you can sweep it under the rug. Great post Ceci!

Ceci said...

JG and ms, thank you very much for your warm and wonderful comments.

When I heard Keith Olberman speak on this very issue, I had to say my two cents. And yes, it was quite a lot of fun to get up on that soapbox! ;)

Fear mongering has been one of the issues that I have written about for a long time because of what I once read in the Los Angeles Times: that America was in the culture of denial.

And, I think that Mr. Olberman's comments on this issue reveal a glaring and most apparent aspect of the campaigning by GOP. I certainly hope that people get wise to this and not let this tactic affect their vote when they get to the ballot box.

Again, it is nice to hear from you two again. It fills my heart with the utmost joy. :)


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