Monday, October 30, 2006

Pardon My Dust

If you are seeing small changes to the blog, it is because I am trying to experiment with the format to get the type of design that I want. I know that the up and coming changes are not totally aesthetic, but I am still trying get the blog up to working speed. In the midst of that, the entries will continue to be posted and the business will go on.

Again, I thank you for reading and being patrons of the blog. It is so nice to hear of people reading my work! And please do keep on posting your thoughts and feedback. I like to read them!

P.S. If any of you know the whereabouts of HarlemHottie, Just Generic, donwhite, Rasobasi420, maria_stardust, Nikelbee or Duzey on the board would you please tell them about the new blog? I would like to hear from them because they are dear to me and I especially think of them. If anything, please tell them that they are in my thoughts and I miss reading their blogs and posts from time to time. Thank you very much. :)

Take good care,

Ceci :)


just generic said...


I made it! Whew...I've been a reading since you uhm...wandered away from ATS :)

Finally got a google account so I could post to let you know I was here and will be good from now on regarding posting.

My wrist is still stinging from Gemwolf's little apologies for not posting sooner.

Did you hear about Bush signing in martial law!? Good grief what next?

Looking forward to your new postings know you're least there's still a venue where we can catch up:)

Cheers and know that we're here...have no doubt Gem will remind the others (who likely just haven't gotten around to getting a google account to be able to post as yet)


Maria M. Lopez said...

Ceci! I've missed you dearly! Your blog had been on my "must read" list. I was out of commission for a little while in Sept. and Oct., and when I came back *poof* you were gone!

Gemwolf, nipped at my heels a little, and basically told me to get my little tush over here or else. Honestly, I have no idea what "else" means. Maybe it's a thinly veiled threat to create a podcast where he does personal renditions of ABBA and the BeeGees off-key.

Glad you've regained a bit of blog real estate! I look forward to visiting back often.

Best of luck and please keep in touch!

Ceci said...

Hey everybody! Thank you very much for posting on the blog! When I read your words, it made my day!

And Gem, I especially am grateful for you telling the others. I only hoped for someone to get the message out to tell everyone that I miss them and their writing! But this is extra special and I appreciate you for doing this. It is so cool! :)

Now that everyone has found me, I certainly hope we can catch up here and continue to talk from time to time.

When it comes to ATS, I would come back in a minute, but my "absence" is not of my doing. My return hinges on the hope that the powerful Amigos feel that I have learned my lesson and let me back in. :(

(Gem, Duzey and HH unfortunately got box seats to the "shootout" regarding a "Day of Kindness" on ATS. Some "venerable" members felt that I caused a lot of trouble on the board for bringing up such a notion. I foolishly tried to fight back that kindness should be considered on the board. I created "drama". I also became a "drama queen" to the nth degree. ;) )

Since the day I was given my "absence", I have been trying to find out from others whether I had the "banned member" status on my avatar. I haven't had any luck on that account.

Since I couldn't see for myself (I have been blocked from the forum and my account), I assumed it was true. I still wanted to write. So,I ended up here. :)

My other blog has been removed because of my "absence".

Until they let me back on the board, this will be the place I will be.

Again, let me say that it is a pleasure for you all to post here again. I sure as heck missed all of you.

And you can bet there will be new postings (and JG, I'll look up this "martial law" business. But, I'm not surprised. This administration has been capable of so many things it sometimes makes my head spin.) and of course, please drop by whenever you can.

Your blogs are on mine, so I make an effort to continue to read what you have to say. And let's hope that time will settle things and I'll will be forgiven by the Amigos so we can post to each other again.

If not, I am looking for other arrangements for us to speak--that is if everyone wants to do this.

Other than that, I truly look forward to what you have to say in the future in this venue. And please don't try to be strangers. You've got a friend here and you are always welcome.

I wish you all a wonderful night and the best of luck on your posts and blogs as always.

Take good care,

Ceci :)

Ceci said...

This is a little post script to what I wrote above:

So that you all know, I have made peace with what had happened. I am not bitter. I have learned long ago that sometimes things happen in which you have no control over.

My "absence" is one of those things.

Instead, my way is to pick up the pieces and move on. So, if anyone asks on the board, tell them that I am doing fine and continuing to converse about politics, society and of the like.

October has not been the greatest of months. I look forward to November most whole-heartedly. However, I will still write most avidly in between my work and life in the "real world".

So, until I am "released" from my "absence", I will most devotedly show my allegiance to the blogger's circle and lend my support from here as much as I can. :)

Again, your generosity and kindness has touched me greatly.

Happy Halloween!!! :)

Ceci said...

Yes, Gem, I also got that idea as well. That is what I'd do anyway because with the old monniker I had, it would bring some of the "usual suspects" back.

If that is the case (under another IP address), I would do that quietly. And I have decided that I would not post in PTS and only maintain my blog there...when I'm not posting among friends.

But yes, I would keep a low profile because I do not want the same things happening as they did in the past.

Yes, Gem, your words are greatly appreciated and considered if I do come back.

You guys would be the first to know. :)

Ceci said...


Thank you very much for your kind words here. I also read your blog and became very suprised that you put me on "Bripe's Brigrade". I wanted to find out how I could reach you to update your listing since the "event". And you found me. That makes me feel good.

And yes, I've gone "rogue" (in Mr. Gem's words). I'm free and on my own for the time being. And I will keep on writing.

I appreciate your support and well wishes. Please do visit anytime you want and post when you feel like it.

Other than that, I have broken free from the board for the time being. And right now, I am going to use this to the best of my ability.

And as always, it does not matter whether anyone agrees or disagree. I welcome your comments and insights because it helps make the subject matter more well rounded in the long run.

I always enjoy polite discussion in which everyone comes away with learning something new. That is the goal I've always worked towards in my writing. :)

Take good care,

Ceci :)

DCFusion said...

Ack! Can't believe I missed this entry! Ahem... you are pardoned on one condition... you continue making this a great blog (the layout looks excellent, by the way).

And I second (can I do that?) Gem's comment - hope you consider comming back to ATS.

Ceci said...


Consider both conditions met. :) Thank you very much for your kind input.

And yes, I am considering coming back to ATS when the fervor surrounding the "DOK" thread dies down and my enforced "absence" is lifted. Like I told Gem, I'll let you all know quietly when it happens. :)

Other than that, this is the place where I'll be for the time being. I'm still looking for an e-mail provider for people to send private messages in the future.

Words cannot express how the comments of yourself and others have made me happy. The only thing I can say is that I am grateful and appreciative of the well wishes and generosity received from you and everyone else while I am here. As said before, the encouragement I have received has helped me greatly to keep up with my writing on the blog. I plan to do my best and work on pieces that create awareness and discussion.

That's all I want.

As always, don't be a stranger. Post whenever you like. I look forward to hearing more from you!

Take good care,

Ceci :)

Duzey said...

Hiya! It's nice to 'see' you again. I hope everything is going well for you and your blog looks really great. :)

I got a message from Gemmy regarding your blog and in true Duzey syle, got distracted and took too long to make an account so I could post a comment.

Which reminds me, I was supposed to call my father back 3 months ago. LOL

Better late than never, right? Now that I can leave comments here, you'll never get rid of me.

Ceci said...

Hey Duzey! I am so happy to 'see' you too! I am so glad that you finally came here to say hi. I had been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing.

Thank you very much for leaving a message here. All I can say is, better late than never. And I hope that you continue to post whenever you want to because I await to read what you have to say. I've missed your blog entries and posts because they were simply refreshing.

I am also grateful for your generosity in the infamousness of my "absence".

Btw, these last two days have been wonderful. I have been able to touch base with Nikelbee and yourself. That did me a world of good. Along with everyone else, it has been such a treat to bask in the glow of everyone's gracious sentiments. :)

Gem has been extremely wonderful for doing what he did. I don't even know if there are enough words to thank him for his support and care in letting you and the others know what happened to me. All I know is that your voice, Duzey, as well as the others have turned the sad occasion of what happened into something positive. And Gem truly and respectfully is the patron saint of our blogger's circle. :)

As I said before, I still give my support and well wishes to the blogger's circle. And, I will try to visit your blog and everyone else's in the coming days.

All that I ask is that you "bother" me as much as you like. As I told the others, you've definitely got a friend here.

Take good care,

Ceci :)


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