Thursday, January 18, 2007

What Should We Pay Attention To?

While the country is fascinated by two lost boys, a curtain is lowered over the investigations occurring about warrantless wiretapping, the second Iraqi War and its implications on the American people. But never mind. News stories about losing weight and news pilots saving deers are quite more important than the public's right to know about what the House and the Senate are going to do about getting to the truth.

America is in the midst of a crisis. Not only are our civil liberties still being played with and swept under the rug; the United States citizen's right to know is also being played with by the release of more propaganda which seems to sugar coat the mess created overseas. There isn't any attempt to mend fences with other countries. Instead, we have a national leader who continues to ignore advice and beat the hawkish drums when it comes to dealing with the chaotic nature of the Middle East.

What is even more appalling are the answers coming from Mr. Bush's colleagues while they are in the Congressional hot seat. Although it is doubtful that anyone was surprised by the answers given by Mr. Gates, Dr. Rice and others, still their replies leave more questions than the bland assurances that everything is going all right--along with the need for 20,000 more troops.

(Does anyone hear echoes of Dr. Strangelove?)

The attention paid toward Iran is equally troubling. That is one conflict that America does not need, nor want. It is frustrating that diplomacy or other methods of easing tensions in an already heightened situation are not applied. Instead, what we have is more tough talk, not to mention shutting out the advice of the wise and the prudent. Speculation instead of proof has taken over. It is frightening how far such speculation will go in order to make things worse.

The pushing of the doomsday clock to five minutes before midnight reflects the dire need for Americans to pay attention to what our government is doing. It also dictates a yearning that we the people have to respond to such changes in foreign policy before it gets too late.

Right now, it is high time to be concerned about the domestic and foreign policies affecting the nation because eventually they will spill over into our personal lives. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to what is going on. Instead, the news urges us to be more vigilant--especially when it is our loved ones, friends and family going overseas to fight the wars of those comfortably ensconsced in office.

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