Sunday, January 21, 2007

Thoughts About Sen. Hillary Clinton As Democratic Presidential Candidate

Senator Hillary Clinton (D.-NY) announced on her website that she is setting up an exploratory committee for her candidacy as President of the United States Saturday. As soon as she said the word, the news unleashed a flurry of mixed emotions inside and out of the Democratic party.

Okay. We know what the Republicans are saying about Sen. Clinton. In fact, I'm sure that some of the Right Wing Pundits are grinding their axes at this moment. They're probably thirsting for a little tidbit to spin into the slightest controversy as a way to produce another weapon of mass distraction.

As if the reportage on the lost boys were enough.

After a day of thinking about it, there are definite feelings about whether Sen. Clinton clinches the Dems nominee for President. Answers from the callers of my favorite talk show (progressive, of course) revealed that some would not vote for the New York Senator because she represents a "professional politician" (whatever that means). The criticism also went forth that if she were to be elected, it would be more of the same old thing. After all, the last twelve years were capitalized by two dynasties: the Clintons and the Bushes. A vote for her would surely be beating the same drum instead of producing someone different. And of course, the fundraising from Rupert Murdoch doesn't help her case.

On the positive side, there are Dems who think she is a strong choice and representative of future trends in the United States. Instead of an office which has historically elected men, a strong woman would be apropo to usher in change. She is definitely a political survivor who has stood up for what she believed in as First Lady. She also took charge whenever she sat in hearings. However, other Dems are rather distressed by her lack of a stand on the second Iraqi War. Not to mention her absence on several important issues that begged for one politician on the left to speak up.

Well, Sen. Russ Feingold (D.-Wisc.) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D.-Ohio) spoke up at key times at the risk of their reputation and standing in Congress. Mr. Feingold, with a few other colleagues, pressed for a Censure for President Bush. Mr. Kucinich has constantly questioned the financial benefits that oil corporations received while the working class were stiffled by the constant rise in gas prices. Rep. Barbara Lee (D.-Calif.) took a stand at the very beginning of the Iraqi War by refusing to endorse her support for a conflict she still had questions on.

But, some ask, where was Hillary?

And now, she presents a message announcing her interest in being the President of the United States, if elected.

Very timely, to be sure. Her message to her constituents and supports happened nearly a week after Senator Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) announced plans to explore his options for running for the top job in the land.

Sen. Clinton would be formidable opponent to be sure. She possess the savvy and the insight to work the wheels beyond the Beltway. She would not wilt from the criticism thrown at her. However, the misgivings of those Dems who are not so willing to have her run might be the lynchpin. One would have to wait and see whether she can win over this percentage of the party who still levy questions toward her positions and political alliances in the past.

No doubt, the elections in November 2008 will be very important for the entire country. After all, the current Administration has set a precendent what not to look for a leader. With the choices out there putting their hats in the ring, it is understandable that the American citizens are rather gunshy right now. After all, what is needed is some who can lead, mop up the messes overseas and can bring our troops home. What is also needed is someone who is very charismatic and inspiring. Unfortunately for the last eight years, that was sorely missed even when the United States had fallen into dire straits due to terrorism and conflict abroad.

If anything, there has been the whispering whether Former Vice-President Al Gore would run. Let's face it: Mr. Gore recieved a bum deal in 2000 when the Supreme Court ruled in the matter propelling Mr. Bush into office. Since then, the Vice-President had quietly retreated (much to the chagrin of some) and worked toward the cause of global warming. His participation in the film, An Inconvenient Truth(2006), brought him to the forefront once again. Especially on the talk show I had listened yesterday evening, there are still calls from some wishing that he would run. It showed that people do not forget what happened in 2000. And of course, some might even wonder whether we would be better off in America if he was President instead of the current one.

The nominees, in any stretch, must be chosen carefully. Whether it is Sen. John McCain (R.-Arizonia) or Rudolf Guilliani (R.-New York) or even Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton, people have to realize that the person chosen must be able to work with foreign governments in a diplomatic and intelligent manner, to restore civility and politeness back to government, not to mention return professionalism and tact back to the White House.

As Americans, we cannot afford to have another politician in office who does not appreciate the gravity of their station as President of the United States. Furthermore, we need someone who works toward national security peacefully through smart negotiation and demonstration of knowledge regarding cultural sensitivity when dealing with international matters. What is most important is someone who can proactively work with building our domestic issues back so that United States citizens can benefit instead of suffer.

We'll just have to see how these early candidates pan out. And then, there will be definite picture which way the citizens of America want to go with their leadership.


Lady Ursula Major said...

Hi Ceci

Happy New Year. Hope your holidays were great. Word on the street is you are back on ATS!! That's fantastic. I hope you continue to post your wonderful blog, here, there and everywhere. I haven't posted much on ATS since you left, but I have a new home at if you ever want to visit me. It is more of a writing blog about the 'real' me and less of a strange dreamy ATS theme blog, but I don't have much time for the other right now.

Anyway, I will try very hard (one of my ny resolutions) to keep up with old friends on ATS. Again, congrats on the great news. You were always one of the good ones and I'm glad you've returned.


Ceci said...

Hey Niki :)

I was wondering about you! Happy New Year to you and I also hope that your holidays were fabulous. And yes, I am very glad to hear from you. I checked your old blog for updates. And, I very glad that you had the chance to post to me here.

Thank you for your well wishes and gracious words. I want to you to know that I am very appreciative of your continued friendship to me over all this time. And, when things went awry last October, I was very glad that you were there for me.

With that being said, it is true that I am back among my ATS family (which was no small feat, by any means). I am very happy to be back and talking to everyone there.

However, right now, I'm quietly getting back into there. I am more interested in writing in my blog (which will be a dilemma once the old one is back up). ;)

I am also thrilled that you have branched out in the world because I have always enjoyed your writing. I will definitely check it out.

As for your writing, you should always focus on what is driving your passion. I will be very excited to see what you produce there.

Please do keep in touch with me because I have always enjoyed your comments.

I just apologize that the last months have been very difficult to truly keep in touch when my "absence" was in full effect. But as I told the others, I took it all in stride and tried very hard to lend my support and friendship even though I was out of the loop for a while.

For now, this blog is the base of my writing. When my old blog comes back, there will be a lot of decisions that I have to make. But, at any point, I did decide that this blog will continue to run because I like it.

(I just have to learn to configure it more to my liking which is very herculean task here on Blogger.)

However, I wish you the best in your new endeavor and work. I know it is going to shine the brightest because the pen is wielded by a truly generous, creative and wonderful person like yourself. :)

Take good care,

Ceci :)

Lady Ursula Major said...

Hi Ceci

Thanks for the well wishes and all your lovely words. I have bookmarked your page and will visit often. Just drop me a line and let me know where your home is. I sometimes feel like my ats blog is my summer home and the other my permanent address. It can get pretty confusing at times.

Anyway, as election time grows nearer I will wait with baited breathe for your (as usual) insightful posts.




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