Sunday, October 22, 2006

Uh Oh! The Gas Prices Are Falling Again!

As we get closer and closer to November, check out the gas prices again. On the old blog, I had written how the gas prices tend to fall whenever it is politically viable to do so. And of course, this is the time that it is politically viable. The bread has been thrown to the masses in order to stop the regime change that is about to happen to this country. The only request that seems to echo the sentiments of a lot of people is to resist it. Heck, it's nice to have falling gas prices, but the principles that we are trying to change in this country are much larger than what is momentarily happening.

We have to think about universal health care. Jobs are pretty important too. And of course, education has to be on the front burner because a lot of young people are going to the poorhouse in order to pay their bills while staying in the university. Some have focused on immigration. Yet, immigration and closed borders aren't that important because it only serves the masters who want to continue the sense of isolationism and distaste for diversity that has been happening since 9/11. The best disservice to the isolationists right now is to focus on domestic issues that benefit all of us, not just some of us as a stop gap measure.

When we vote, it is important to either do it absentee or request a paper ballot. Do not use electric voting machines because they don't have a paper trail. To prevent the fiasco that happened in past elections, we've got to hold our elections committees and institutions accountable for making sure our voice is heard properly. That also has to do with being very discerning when watching the political ads that come across the television screens. A lot of mud is going to thrown from candidate to candidate because the stakes are high. That means we have to do our own homework to make sure that the right propositions and other laws are voted for in the benefit for all of us.

The most important aspect of this election season is to remember that divided we fall as a country. Too much of the past policies since 9/11 has been serving division and mistrust due to the fact that it fostered on the aspects of terrorism and fear. The fear has to be cast off like a worn coat. It's time to send a message that this is not the country America is supposed to be. After all, the United States is not supposed to be place in which we have to glance over our shoulder while trying to scrounge for every penny we make. Life ought to be good for all of us. That means a place without crime and a country in which we can achieve the best that our nation asks us to do as citizens. The dark times that have taken over our society have to be lifted so we can focus on building back the optimism which has guided us in the past.

That means getting politicians that are willing to work for the people and not for themselves. We have to really scrutinize their past records when it comes to serving their constituents and well as what they voted for. It's time to find out who is willing to put their money where their mouth is when trying to make America a better place for everyone.

Consider this a small service announcement. Now you can get back to what you were doing before. ;)


Ceci said...

It is true that oil prices do drop and rise world wide. However, I tend to believe that economics has to do with politics--not only in America but elsewhere. When OPEC decides a new policy based on particular politics, the impact is felt in many countries.

When Venezuela decides to give heating oil to working poor in America, but some local governments reject it due to what President Chavez said about Mr. Bush, politics have to do with oil prices.

And when Mr. Foley and Mr. Hastert are beating off charges of corruption with a stick and there is no way to hide the wrongdoings in ignoring what had happened to the Capitol pages, then politics in making the populace forget is at the forefront.

Oil and gas is very important because it makes an infrastructure run. The only way to cause a little softening up of the people against the Republicans (especially when a majority of cabinet members have various ties to oil companies which have profited these five years), make no mistake the gas prices will fall in America.

I only disagree that gas prices falling are not like the stock market. Gas prices--especially in this economy due to unrest in the Middle East--can be manipulated, especially when the singlemost conflict has to do with one of the richest oil deposits in the Middle East.

So, to make a long story short, I do believe that there is something going on. But, it's probably not evident to a lot of people except those who are sensitive to this notion. However, I do tend to think that there is a correlation here somehow between politics and gas. Unfortunately, it is not good. We can only see whether this plays out when the November mid-term elections are over.

Thanks for answering, you guys! :)

DCFusion said...

You are so correct when you suggest to use an absentee ballot or see if there is paper ballot to use. I have been considering this, especially after a news report I watched this morning regarding the average age of polling station attendants - the average age was 63!

One of the big problems was that the older folks are not as computer savvy as the younger folks, but they can't get enough younger folks to volunteer because at most you would only get paid about $100 (at least where in the area where I live), which apparently is not enticing enough to get computer savvy, younger folks to help out at the polling stations.

Because of this, many problems that could be easily rectified are not simply because the poll workers don't know what to do. It seems to me that after so much money is spent campaigning, some of the money should be used for compensating poll workers to entice some of the more computer savvy ones to come out.


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